This application values users' privacy rights and strictly complies with relevant laws and regulations. Please carefully read the "Privacy Policy" before continuing to use. If you continue to use our features and services, it means that you have fully read and understood all the contents of our "Privacy Policy."

This application respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all users. In order to provide you with more accurate and high-quality services, this application will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this "Privacy Policy." Except as otherwise provided in this "Privacy Policy," this application will not disclose these information to external parties or provide them to third parties without your prior permission. In addition, this application will periodically update this "Privacy Policy."

1. Scope of Application of User Privacy Information: (a) Personal registration information provided by you when you register for this application account; (b) Information that this application automatically receives and records on your browser and device when you use this application's network services or access this application's platform web pages, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, language used, access date and time, software and hardware feature information, and web page records of your needs; (c) User personal data obtained by this application from commercial partners through legal channels.

2. Use of User Information: (a) This application will not provide your personal information to any unrelated third party; (b) This application does not allow any unrelated third party to collect, edit, sell or disseminate your personal information by any means. If any user of this application platform engages in the above activities, this application has the right to terminate the service agreement with that user; (c) For the purpose of serving users, this application may use your personal information to provide you with information that you may be interested in, including but not limited to information about our products and services, or share information with this application's partners with your prior consent so that they can send you information about related products and services.

3. In the following cases, this application will disclose all or part of your personal information according to your personal wishes and relevant laws and regulations: (a) With your prior consent; (b) It is necessary to share your personal information with third parties in order to provide the products and services you requested; (c) According to relevant laws and regulations or the requirements of administrative or judicial institutions, it needs to disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions; (d) If you violate relevant national laws and regulations or the service agreement or related rules of this application, it needs to disclose to third parties; (e) If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, it needs to disclose to the complained party at the request of the complained party in order to handle possible rights disputes between the two parties.

4. Information Storage and Exchange: The information and data collected by this application about you will be stored on the servers of this application and/or its affiliated companies. This information and data may be transmitted to the country or region where you are located, the overseas location where this application collects information and data, and accessed, stored, and displayed overseas.

5. Use of Cookies: (a) Without your rejection of accepting cookies, this application will set or access cookies on your device so that you can log in or use application platform functions or services that rely on cookies. The use of cookies can provide you with more thoughtful personalized services, including promotional services; (b) You have the right to choose to accept or reject cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings, but if you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to log in or use application network functions or services that rely on cookies; (c) Information obtained through cookies set by this application will be subject to this policy.

6. Changes to this "Privacy Policy": (a) If we decide to change this "Privacy Policy", we will publish these changes in this policy, on the company's website, and in other appropriate locations so that you can understand how we collect and use your personal information and when we disclose this information; (b) We reserve the right to modify this "Privacy Policy" at any time, so please check it regularly. If we make significant changes to this policy, we will notify you through the website.

Finally, thank you for taking the time to understand our "Privacy Policy". We will do our best to protect your personal information and legitimate rights and interests. Thank you again for your trust.